Case in jury's hands
1:27 PM - The jury has started deliberating the case. They can reach the following verdicts: guilty of first-degree murder, second-degree murder, voluntary manslaughter or not guilty.
I will update you if the jury comes back with any questions or a verdict.
2:10 - The jury has requested the definitions of second-degree murder and voluntary manslaughter. The judge is providing instructions.
2:47 - The jury has requested a 30-minute break. The judge has let them go for a half-hour.
4:30 - The jury is still out. Haven't heard a peep from them since the came back from their break.
4:46 - The jury sent another note asking if they don't reach a verdict today what do they do. The judge recessed the jury and instructed the jury to return in the morning. He also noted that the court will begin selecting a jury for another trial tomorrow.
I will update you if the jury comes back with any questions or a verdict.
2:10 - The jury has requested the definitions of second-degree murder and voluntary manslaughter. The judge is providing instructions.
2:47 - The jury has requested a 30-minute break. The judge has let them go for a half-hour.
4:30 - The jury is still out. Haven't heard a peep from them since the came back from their break.
4:46 - The jury sent another note asking if they don't reach a verdict today what do they do. The judge recessed the jury and instructed the jury to return in the morning. He also noted that the court will begin selecting a jury for another trial tomorrow.
Curious if found guilty...what are the mandatory sentences for 1st & 2nd Murder, or Voluntary Man.?
Also would like to mention I enjoyed following this blog. i've caught myself refreshing hour awaiting updates. I knew Paras, he dated my little cousin. and came by the house. His funeral was the first i've been to since my grandmother died over a decade ago. So i'm really interested how this turns out.
Hope your able todo more of's really nice to follow along with these things when u can't be there in person.
Just did some look up of definitions of all three...
and Voluntary Man. appears to be the more likey situation in this case....
"MANSLAUGHTER, VOLUNTARY - In order for someone to be found guilty of voluntary manslaughter the government must prove that the person killed another person; the person acted in the heat of passion; and heat of passion was caused by adequate provocation.
Heat of passion may be provoked by fear, rage, anger or terror. Provocation, in order to be adequate, must be such as might naturally cause a reasonable person in the passion of the moment to lose self-control and act on impulse and without reflection. " - google
APW-good that you looked up those definitions yourself, because Pete doesn't seem to be reading the comments at all...
I know two people on the jury and I have been following this trial closely as time has allowed.
I'm friends with several of the called witnesses (Omar, jarrod and sherwin).
Still haven't located sentence times for voluntary man.
The definitions are long and complexed. It took nearly a half-hour to read all of them. I don't know of a good Web site that has the defs.
Second-degree murder is a Class B felony while voluntary manslaughter is a Class D. The sentences would be based on the felony and the number of prior conviction points.
I'm cousin's with the defendent and would like to just mention that not taking no sides cause of family issue but would like to ask if the shoes was on your feet what would you do.Would just like to know.
Hey cpl...I don't think anyone can answer that question unless they were actually there.
Another question...
with this murder trial...could "anyone" just come and sit down and attend? or do you have to be on a list to attand...i was kinda curious last week and wondered if i could come up on my lunch break and sit it.
to answer CPL: I think if i had a gun and someone pulled a gun on me but put it up...i wouldn't have shot. unless the guns was aims at me. but from what I hear(from testimony) paras had put it back up. But i'm not making excuses for paras...and i think i may have acted similar to Early...but would also have to deal with the consequences...if I was "found" to be in the wrong
Also pete "if" found guilty will you follow the case all the way through sentencing? if it gets that far..he still may be found "not guilty" which case would will you do a blog like this for other cases (not nessessarily murder cases but trial cases in general)?...was very informative to read what goes on...
Your right apw if he did put it back then he was wrong but what can we say cause we were not there.So another question is that i thought was interesting was if you got into an dispute with an officer and you reached and pulled your gun but didn't point what would officer do is the law no matter what.
cpl, if that happened, I can almost guarantee you that the officer would shoot. They have to make split second decisions and to be honest, I would also shoot. I mean, who would be going for their gun unless they had plans to use it, and if they were doing that as a scare tactic, then they're just too stupid.
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