Here you will find information and observations from my work covering the Cleveland County court sytstem and city and county government.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
We they move...they really move
A Rutherford County house located near the entrance of Duke Energy's Cliffside Steam Station on McGraw Road moves down the road to its new home in Cleveland County.
Emergency Management Director Dewey Cook talks with emergency management employee Brian Beatty and EMS Director Joe Lord about the preperations for the storm.
I am the courts and government reporter for the Shelby Star. Previously, I covered government for the News-Topic in Lenoir, NC. In 2004, I graduated with a B.A. in Journalism from Columbia Union College in Takoma Park, MD. During my time in college, I was editor of the student newspaper, The Columbia Journal. I am currently finishing a M.P.A. from Western Carolina University. I'm single and have two cats. I attend Putnam Baptist Church in Shelby. Visit my Web site at