Monday, January 29, 2007

Wreck - N. Lafayette and Felter St.

Shelby Rescue, Shelby Fire Department and Cleveland County EMS responded to a head-on wreck at the intersection of N. Lafayette and Felter St. about noon Monday. The driver of the van was taken to Cleveland Regional Medical Center.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

No more unemployment checks

The concept of an unemployment check has come to end. The N.C. Employment Security Commission began issuing debit cards in addition to direct deposit. The agency will no longer mail out paper checks. Read more in The Star tomorrow about how the new cards work and how it will benefit the state.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Harnage works on Eagle Scout project

Shelby High School student Andrew Harnage and his mother, Betsy, spent Saturday morning working at Graham Elementary School on his Eagle Scout project. Read more about his project in Sunday's edition of The Star.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Early start for 2010?

Roughly two months after the 2006 general elections, there are still a few campaign signs up throughout the county. I'd like to work on a story about signs still up but would like a little help pinpointing where all of them are. Feel free to post them here or give me a call at 704-484-7000 ext. 120.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

DQ torn down

Read tomorrow's Star to find out when they plan on opening the new restaurant.

Cliffside hearing held

Cleveland Chamber President Stuart Gilbert gets sworn in to testify in favor of Duke Energy's Cliffside steam station expansion plan during a public hearing by the N.C. Utilities Commission Thursday morning.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

For sale: voting machines no one can use

I'm working on a story about $200,000 worth of voting machines that can no longer be used in the state because of new federal voting laws. Some counties have sent their machines to the land fill. Find out what Cleveland County is looking to do with the 40 they have.

Commissioner's legislative goals

The N.C. Association of County Commissioners meet Thursday and Friday in Pinehurst to discuss their 2007-08 legislative goals. Commission Chairwoman Mary Accor serves as second vice president of the organization.

Here is a link to their proposed goals:

Fatal wreck on Elam Road

The wreck scene near Elam Road where one woman was found dead. A passerby called to report a car in the creek, but didn't stop. Officials are trying to get in touch with family members now to find out what time she left the house this morning.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Recent dog attacks

I'm working on a story about a possible leash law for the county. I'm doing some research on recent dog attacks and here is what I've found so far. If you know of any that are missing feel free to contact me at 704-484-7000 ext. 120 or at

Recent dog attacks in Cleveland County

Jan. 2007 – Anthony Davis, 10, is attacked by three dogs on Mountain Side Drive just outside the Kings Mountain city limits. Davis suffered 96 bite wounds and still remains in the hospital.

Jan. 2007 – Dogs killed six pet rabbits in the backyard of a West Marion street home.

June 2006 – A pack of neighborhood dogs killed a woman’s Alpacas – Angelica, Skyline and Stormy – at her home on Lavender Road in Grover.

Feb. 2006 – Dogs attacked and killed a goat named Cricket at a home on Cleveland Avenue in Grover.

June 2004 – A dog attack severely injured 7-year-old Brandon Ivie as he played near his grandmother’s house on Blacksburg Road in Earl.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Shelby's Master Plan presented

Tripp Muldrow of Greenville-based Muldrow and Associates presented Shelby's Master Plan Monday at the Cleveland County Arts Council. I will put the PowerPoint presentation on The Star's Web site by tomorrow night.

Kennedy moves on

Long-time friend Jerry Goins talks with Attorney Michael Kenndy at a reception for Kennedy. Kennedy stepped down recently as attorney for the City of Shelby to take a job in Charlotte. He has served the city for more than 20 years.

450 new jobs coming to KM

Cleveland County Board of Commission Chairwoman Mary Accor stands with Norm Breseman, vice-president of Telerx, at the Cleveland Chamber as he announces his company will open a call center in Kings Mountain creating more than 450 new jobs.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

It's my day check out some of my pets

My gerbil, Fiona, who is mourning the recent death of her partner, Shrek.

My drawf hampster, Tator Tot, getting a drink of water.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Superior Court docket released

The first Superior Court docket for the year was released today. The two week docket begins Jan. 8 and has a few high-profile cases on it including Marty Wayne Dover and Virginia Dubre. I'll be in court Monday morning to see what happens.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Ikea coming to Charlotte?

It looks like Ikea will be coming to Charlotte. When I was going to college in Maryland I shopped for furniture and things there all the time. It's a great store with trendy stuff and reasonable prices. The closest one is in Atlanta.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

2007 Grand jury schedule

Here are the 2007 grand jury dates:

January 22
February 12
March 12
April 9
May 14
June 4
July 16
August 13
September 17
October 8
November 12

Commissioners honor long-time hospital board member

At Tuesday's meeting, Cleveland County Commissioners honored J.C. Bridges for his combined 28-years of service on the Kings Mountain Hospital and Cleveland Regional Medical Center Board.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New DA takes over with plenty of cases on his plate

Rick Shaffer officially became the new district attorney for Cleveland County today during a swearing in ceremony in Lincolnton. Shaffer represents the the 27B district, which incldues Cleveland and Lincoln counties.

Shaffer enters the office with plenty of high profile cases for him and his staff of assistant district attorneys to tackle.

In the next week or so, look for a more in-depth look at Shaffer's goals and views on topics including the death penalty and plea agreements. I will also be looking to create a list of high profile open cases that are likely to be resolved in the coming year.

Here are a few I will be looking out for:
Billy Ray Bridges - charged with first-degree murder of his neighbor in Patterson Springs
Marty Wayne Dover - charged with rape of a Lavander Road woman
Virginia Dubre - charged with embezzlement from the Cleveland County Historical Museum
Pam Green - charged with embezzlement from Youth Assistance Program

If you have any cases that you think are still open and would like me to look into feel free to give me a call at 704-484-7000 ext. 120 or post it here for discussion.