Elizabeth Elementary honors a fallen son - 5.28.07

Elizabeth Elementary School honored the son of fourth grade teacher Mike Bishop. His son was killed in Iraq Friday. Click here to read the story in The Star.
Here you will find information and observations from my work covering the Cleveland County court sytstem and city and county government.
I spent the morning at a workshop presented by Roberta Macauley, the coordinator for Support Circles, a Raleigh initiative to help the homeless. Shelby is currently in the process of developing a similar program that involves churches forming groups to help the homeless.
Here's what Raleigh's program is all about. Read The Star this weekend to find out more.
What Raleigh’s "Support Circle" helps with
- Offers support services and resources (furniture, transportation, job seeking assistance, etc.) to enable individuals and families to move into permanent housing and to maintain stable housing.
- Assists individuals in achieving economic independence
- Empowers families in development and achieving long-term realistic housing, career, financial management and community participation goals
-Provides moral encouragement and companionship
- Gets families involved in the community and/or faith group
- Coordinates efforts with case manager from local community agency
- Provides financial assistance for a portion of the family’s rent and emergency expenses. (Rental assistance is available to individuals/families participating with faith and community Support Circles. Individuals and families are expected to pay 30 percent of their incomes toward rent. Remaining rent is paid through grant money and donations.)
Source: Raleigh’s 10-year plan to end homelessness program
Personnel costs (expenditure):
Source: City Manager’s 2007-08 Budget Message
Challenges facing the city outlined by the city manager
Source: City Manager’s 2007-08 Budget Message
City Manager Rick Howell unveiled the 2007-08 fiscal year budget today during the first of several budget workshops with council members at the Utility Operations Center on Grover Street.
"This is very preliminary. I’ve been through the department requests," said Howell. "I had to scrutinize each item."
Last year, the city cut 16 positions from the general fund budget while maintaining the property tax rate.
The budget must be adopted by June 30. The fiscal year budget begins July 1.
When planning the budget, Howell said he focused around the goals of the city’s Strategic Growth Plan and council’s 2007-08 fiscal year priorities developed by the council several months ago during their retreat at First National Bank.
"There hasn’t been coli’s (cost of living increase) for the best two years," said Howell.
Employees will be eligble for a 3.5 percent. The proposed budget has $336,000 allocated for those employees that perform at a high level. The city is working on an evualtion process that should be rolled out within four months.
"Ultimately that will be a fair way to go about retaining highly qualified employees and rewarding them for performance," said Howell.