Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Hopper defeats Amaya

Hopper 699
Amaya 641

Clevleand Vol. Fire Dept. polling place 6:00 p.m.

Councilmen Dicky Amaya and Chris Mabry shake hands after Mabry casts his ballot at the volunteer fire department.

About 300 people have voted at the volunteer fire department in Uptown Shelby.

Councilman Dicky Amaya is here with his wife campaigning.

I voted - 5:00 p.m.

Robin Davis was voter # 8 on the day at the S. Post Road precinct.
Earl Fuller was out campaigning for Andrew Hopper.

Well I started my blogging venture by voting at my local precinct, at the county office building on S. Post road across from Cleveland Community College.

Shortly before 5 p.m., I was the fifth voter since the polls opened this morning. That's right, one vote per poll worker.

I'm off to my next stop: The Cleveland Vol. Fire Department in uptown Shelby.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Holbrook's statement about fair - 10.2.07

Below is the text of a message delivered by Cleveland County Commission vice chairman Eddie Holbrook:
I would like to congratulate the fair, it’s board and administration for the outstanding job that is being done with this year’s fair.
I would like to express my personal opinion about some statements that have been circulating around the county concerning me and my fellow commissioners.
Neither I nor any of the commissioners have discussed closing the fair. The fair situation has not even been on the agenda at any of our meetings.
I have been a regular fair attendee since I have lived in Cleveland County. I enjoy the fair and my children enjoy the fair. Statements that have been attributed to me about closing or moving the fair are completely false. I really do not mind being criticized for things I have said or done. It’s part of the territory. But I deeply resent anyone who takes statements from me and manipulates them in this manner about me.
I ran for this office with the sole intent of hoping to make a contribution to our county and improve the quality of living for our citizens. If I have made mistakes along the way I apologize.
I am employed at the community college. I can honestly say the college has never had any desire to take over or manage the fair. The college contributes the parking we have at no charge to the fairgrounds and the volunteer fire department.
I learned from my athletic days and business days that you can accomplish much more as a leader. It is my desire and the community college’s desire, as well as our board’s, to be the best team we can for this county.
We want to do nothing but assist and make the fair even better for our citizens. I sincerely ask that you give us time to prove our intentions and to assist us in squelching these rumors that are numerous, widespread and untrue.
Help us move forward in a positive growth mode that we all can be proud of.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Bulky Item Pick-up - 10.1.07

Got this notice from the City of Shelby:

The City of Shelby Sanitation Department is having the Fall Bulky Item Pick-up the week of October 15-19. Items such as: furniture, boxes, mattresses and bagged clothes will be picked up from the curbside.

The sanitation department doesn't pick up appliances, tires, building materials, paints, oils or batteries.

There will be no brush pick up during the week of solid waste pick up.